Saturday, March 2, 2024


Roy Knipe's superlative cover for the original Target Books novelisation of Death to the Daleks, by Terrance Dicks.

An inexplicable power-loss strands the TARDIS on the sinister planet Exxilon where the Doctor meets an expedition from Earth seeking a rare mineral that can cure the virulent space plague that threatens all human life across the galaxy. Nearby, Sarah discovers a mysterious citadel but is captured by the savage Exxilons who prepare her for sacrifice...  

The Doctor must uncover the secrets of the ancient Exxilon City, locate the source of the power-drain,  save Sarah and help the Earth expedition. But his plans are threatened by new arrivals on the planet - the Doctor's deadliest enemies - the Daleks!

Original 1987 BBC Video release story synopsis.

The Daleks were back, their seemingly 'final end' during Doctor Who's monochrome era no more, alive in glorious colour too by the time of the Pertwee era's hugely popular mid-way point. And a well deserved return for hungry-to-see-them audiences it was too. My recollections of their prior anniversary appearance in Planet of the Daleks are very vague, but Death to the Daleks, with its terrific title, I'd remember more vividly on original transmission, primarily for the last two episodes linked to the Doctor and his new alien chum Bellal infiltrating the Exxilon city and overcoming its many traps. The Daleks, in their new silver livery, I found fascinating at nearly four years old, and I'd fully appreciate their place as iconic Who baddies by the time of their next all-time classic appearance against the formidable Tom Baker. 

The first 'nice-price' VHS release of the mid 1980's from BBC Video, an important factor adding to its overall nostalgia value (helped by strong publicity support at the time from Jon Pertwee), Death to the Daleks has often been derided by fans, citing the overall plot and supporting characters feeling thin on the ground, but the overall visual style of it, fine location filming, and some great new ideas from Terry Nation work overall, a film/TV pro who knows how to roll out Boy's Own adventure yarns. Michael Briant continues to show his stuff amongst the show's finest directors, the Exxilons and their city are well thought out, sweet resistance fighter Bellal is one of the best characters to have appeared in the series, and the Daleks are as scheming and nasty as ever. Star Pertwee looks ready to leave the series now and has visibly aged, but he remains a commanding and assured presence, whilst Elisabeth Sladen is as compelling to watch as ever, especially amongst the early frightening scenes where she is stalked and attacked by the Exxilons. It was the interesting beginning of the end to a superb and successful run...


Death to the Daleks ★★★ | Radio Times

The Doctor and Sarah's holiday plans for Florana are wrecked when the TARDIS is forced to materialise, power-drained, on the mystery world of Exxilon.

Exploring the new world, the Doctor soon runs into trouble with its hostile populace.

Separated from the Doctor, Sarah discovers the incredible sight of the Exxilon's living city.

The Doctor meets an also-stranded Earth expedition in desperate need of Parrinium ore, found only on Exxilon.

Now powerless and weaponless with their arrival on Exxilon, the Daleks must negotiate with the Doctor, a situation that briefly amuses the Time Lord. 

The Doctor and a desperate Earth expedition join forces with the Daleks to find the vital mineral cure for an ongoing galactic space plague.

The seemingly weaponless Daleks join forces with the humans but soon encounter murderous alien resistance.

The Exxilons retaliate violently against an enemy Dalek.

One of the city's many lethal power roots located across the planet, soon attacking both the Doctor and the Daleks.

Arnold Yarrow brings the delightful unlikely hero Bellal to life.

The Daleks follow the Doctor and Bellal as they prepare to enter the Exxilon city.

The Doctor inspects a skeleton within the Exxilon city.

The Daleks pursue the Doctor and Bellal through the Exxilon city, whose energy draining ability is eventually destroyed.

The Exxilon living city conjures up two gruesome antibody creatures to fight the inner sanctum invaders.

Sarah boldly helps the Earth expedition help win back the vital minerals away from their Dalek captors.

The Exxilon city is dying, power is restored and the Doctor and friends confront the Daleks once last time before the Skaro monsters are ultimately destroyed.

Original Radio Times listings.

The root attacks! Great cover art by Kit Bevan for the An adventure in Space and Time fan publication coverage.

The first ever VHS release at budget price, in 1987. The story was presented in feature-length compilation form. Cover sleeve design by Sid Sutton.

VHS re-release cover art for the four-part version, in the 1990's.

Reprint Target Books cover by Alister Pearson.

US DVD release art composition by Lee Binding.

Lovely subscribers cover to Doctor Who Magazine issue 553, from 2019.

Lovely showcase fan art by Philip James Allison.

Get the BBC Audiobooks adaptation of the Target Book here:

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