Wednesday, September 27, 2023


With the Cyber base on Telos about to be destroyed with vastil explosives, the Doctor, discovering the real truth behind the space mercenary Lytton's alliance with the Cybermen, rushes to save the captured human from the brutal, emotionless grip of the silver monsters' horrific transformation process- a shocking fate already being initiated against him by the conclusion of Attack of the Cybermen

Sunday, September 24, 2023


On the brink of a deliberately provoked war against humanity to be initiated by the revenge-seeking reptilian Silurians and their Sea Devil cousins, the Doctor once more resumes his necessary duties as a negotiator, in a race against time to prevent future bloodshed, during a dramatic scene from the underrated Warriors of the Deep

Original Target Books adapted cover art by Andrew Skilleter

With its fusion of anti-war parable mixed with action/adventure, Warriors transfer to BBC Audio Books is capably handled with reading conviction by Fifth Doctor era companion star Janet Fielding, from an adaptation enjoyably and effectively adapted to Target Books by Terrance Dicks, who'd make the Silurians' pet sea monster, the Myrka, into a much more menacing beast than what was realised so woefully on TV back in 1984.

Get the recently released adventure here:

Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep: 5th Doctor Novelisation (Audio Download): Terrance Dicks, Janet Fielding, BBC Audio: Books

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Mankind has never been more at its most vulnerable than at the point in which the amino acids they would emerge from are first spawned and activated following a colossal explosion kick-start within a deserted and still evolutionary young planet called Earth. An explosion that will be caused by a damaged Jagaroth spaceship, from whose once fractured time traversing pilot is now keen to not let happen again, so as to preserve the last remnants of his own people...a terrifying and high concept idea that Doctor Who has never been afraid to explore. 

An unused model shot from the all-time classic City of Death, of the spider-ish Jagaroth spaceship and the nearby TARDIS from 9th May, 1979, brought to life by the ever capable and innovative effects talent Ian Scoones.

Concept painting by Ian Scoones.

Monday, September 18, 2023


The serendipitous "Eureka!" moment, from The Green Death

From fighting the wrath of the all-powerful Omega alongside his other selves, to trapping the deadly Daleks on their jungle base. And later confronting the Green Death but losing his greatest human friend, the Third Doctor's fourth season in Doctor Who's Tenth Anniversary year of 1973 was truly very special - action/adventure packed with lots of charm for star Jon Pertwee to enjoy. 

We hope you've enjoyed this site's exhaustive and nostalgic celebrations of that great year. 

Here are the full links for the season in case anyone missed anything out...

Sunday, September 17, 2023


A warning for the future in The Green Death. Image composition by Lee Johnson, for the Doctor Who - The Complete History partwork series.

Having only just survived his experience of finally reaching the infamous world of Metebelis III, the Doctor returns to Earth and joins Jo and the UNIT family in Wales to investigate the mysterious death of local coal mine workers infected with a green coloured pollutant substance, as well as the emergent discovery of poisonous and deadly giant maggots adding further infections. Both these insidious elements are clearly linked with the nearby expanding and corrupted Global Chemicals establishment, but how can our heroes fight such a powerful company and stop its continuing pollutions, as well as the egotist computer - the BOSS - running its operations with starkly efficient and egotistic superiority?

Meanwhile, amidst such troubles, the fledgling flies the coup as Jo breaks away from the Doctor - her true friend, her true hero - to discover love and soon marriage with a younger but equally charismatic scientist: Doctor Clifford Jones (played by the much-missed Clifford Jones). It's a heart-breaking departure for the series, and the true end of the Pertwee era...

The creepy Maggots emerge.

Jo and Dr. Clifford Jones (Stuart Bevan).

Infiltrating Global Chemicals, Mike Yates discovers the Doctor in an unusual 'disguise'!

Global Chemicals, under mysterious management from the BOSS!

Originally initiated by producer Barry Letts and Script Editor Terrance Dicks, Robert Sloman's ecological message story wrapped in subtle horror, The Green Death, has held up well all these years later and remains vividly remembered by older general audience viewers (I particularly still have vivid selected scene memories of the Omnibus version of the tale) - 'The One with the Maggots' should be the story's alternate title! All of the UNIT cast of the past three seasons are well engaged for their sadly last full time together in the series, partnered with a fine supporting cast. The majority of model work is exemplary and director Michael E. Briant's directing inventiveness is as evident as ever. Most importantly, though, this story belongs to the radiant Katy Manning. The character of Jo Grant has clearly gone from strength to strength in Season Ten and in this fine story/season climax she has become more confident in her thoughts, ideals and actions, truly blossoming as a dedicated and passionate woman. The final goodbye between her and the Doctor always brings a tear or two to this reviewer's cheeks, whilst the parting shot of the saddened Doctor heading off from the partying 'Nut Hutch' cottage into the peaceful Welsh valley's sunset is inspiringly realised.

The story's memorable and touching finale scene, as the Doctor rides off in Bessie.

Original Radio Times listings.

Listing for the story's ratings-breaking omnibus repeat.

Target Books 1979 reprint art by Alun Hood.

The first UK VHS release art by Colin Howard.

UK DVD release cover composition by Clayton Hickman.

US DVD release photo montage.

Image composition by Lee Binding for the Special Edition UK DVD release.

Original Target novel cover art by Peter Brookes.

Get the BBC AUDIO BOOKS adaptation of the classic Target novel here:

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Official BBC VHS release art by Alister Pearson.

The Patrick Troughton era comes to a weighty, landmark-exciting yet also seminally bittersweet and moving close, as the Second Doctor and his companions find themselves immersed in a created conflict of war by galactic invaders on a shrouded alien world, who are using human Earth soldiers as potential cannon fodder for their own future plans. It's a diverse battlefield and threat that soon proves too much for one Time Lord to handle on his own, however, as the Doctor's future destiny comes into question with the arriving 'help' of his powerful home planet allies...

I remember first watching The War Games on Australian copies VHS back in 1987 and, as a 17-year old, found it too long at ten episodes. But over the years, especially via the story's first UK sell-through tape release in the 90's, I started to re-appraise it for the classic it truly is.

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Have blaster, will travel! Jean Marsh is unveiled to the UK press as the space agent Sara Kingdom.

Leading the way (if albeit briefly) for a new type of confident female companion for the series, Jean Marsh's sophisticated and capable Space Security Agent Sara Kingdom, no doubt based on the success of Diana Rigg's liberating and dynamic Emma Peel from The Avengers on the rival ITV channel, was a welcome addition to the show's then third year, and more than ready to fight the deadly Skaro monsters in the epic and creatively risk-taking The Daleks' Masterplan. Her ultimate sacrificial demise saving both the time-ravaged Doctor and the universe would also be one of the most memorable and genuinely shocking departures ever witnessed in the Classic Series...

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


A true rising star talent of the BBC during the early sixties, despite the cultural snobbery of its senior management and creatives towards him, the young and pioneering Waris Hussein would be assigned the difficult trials and tribulations task of helming the very first Doctor Who adventure to be made, An Unearthly Child, a complex endeavour that needed an additional reshoot after a relatively unsuccessful but nonetheless promising pilot episode trial, yet one that resulted in ultimately positive rewards and launched an iconic British institution, setting the standard for everything to follow in the series with regards to its overall tone, alongside the well-cast introductions of the four main characters who would soon become household names in a ratings-winning series.

One further adventure with the William Hartnell era would follow for Hussein in that critical first year for the series, the acclaimed historical journey drama Marco Polo, before he was involved in further work not just for his then friend Verity Lambert and the BBC, but by branching out to become a famed and accomplished UK and international film and TV movie director from the seventies onwards, cementing his status as a visualist of great talent and accomplishment...

The 1963 Doctor Who diaries of Waris Hussein – part two | Radio Times

The 1963 Doctor Who diaries of Waris Hussein – part one | Radio Times

The 1963 Doctor Who diaries of Waris Hussein – part three | Radio Times

Sunday, September 3, 2023


As the final confrontation between the Doctor and the dreaded dimensional invader Queen Morgaine begins, the latter throws an apocalyptic curveball into the mix with her unleashing of the soon unbound alien force known as the Destroyer, in this memorable scene from the finale to Battlefield