Saturday, September 21, 2024


ASgella and Commander Sharel (Peter Straker) engage the Daleks. 

Newly arrived on Skaro, the robot Movellans, at war with their long-time enemies in the Daleks, are out to find a weakness on their abandoned home planet that will un-stalemate their battle computers. The striking humanoids, with headgear clearly based on Egyptian headdresses designed by the legend June Hudson, were a memorable part of Season Seventeen opener Destiny of the Daleks. The lovely and shapely actress/model Suzanne Danielle certainly caught my eye back then, too. 

June Hudson's striking costume design.

The press certainly made the most of promoting Suzanne Danielle in the story.

Lan (Tony Osoba) and Agella (Susanne Danielle) pose on location.

Agella becomes a cover star.

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