Saturday, June 15, 2024


"Life force dying, life force dying..."

Newly arrived on a planet they thought was Calufrax, the mystery of its disappearance and the appearance of a mysterious force of awakened telepaths, the Mentiads, soon prove a problem for the Doctor and K9 in the memorable first episode cliffhanger to Douglas Adams premiere Who gem, The Pirate Planet.

I remember my dad getting our first video tape recorder, a brilliant Betamax player with excellent picture quality, and he recorded the opening episode repeat of the story back in July 1979. I watched it several times the next day but was unable to keep it sadly, due to the huge cost of individual blank tapes back in the day. Things started to change by the early eighties, thankfully...

The iconography linked to The Pirate Planet remains high, especially in merchandise. I'm afraid that getting hold of the Demon Records soundtrack LPs for Classic Who stories are waaayyy beyond my price range, but I love the covers and album designs, especially for their release of a few years back, which had accompanying special linking narration from John (K9) Leeson himself! If anyone knows the cover artist/s on these lovely items, please let me know.

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