Saturday, November 27, 2021


Art by Lee Johnson from the Doctor Who - The Complete History partwork series.

Roll-up, roll-up. Come along and witness a Carnival of Monsters!

One of the most entertaining tales of the Jon Pertwee era and a delightful and certainly different entry within the show's then tenth season, packed with viewer-memorable scenes (from the monstrous puppet-operated Drashigs to the mammoth hand stealing the TARDIS; to the unlikely carnival duo of showman Vorg and his lovely assistant Shirna) Robert Holmes' Carnival of Monsters was also a clear favourite enjoyed by the show's star, relishing the concept and overall story, indulging in all kinds of improvised heroism, the odd bit of gadget-tinkering and fighting (Queensbury Rules, of course!). It's no surprise that respected producer/director Barry Letts selected the quirky and colourful CSO tale as part of the important first season of Doctor Who repeats on BBC 2 in Winter 1981  - The Five Faces of Doctor Who. Seeing it for the first time back then, and especially being a tale I knew very little about (with no real access to an episode guide), I loved the well-written Doctor/Jo relationship within the story, and thought the tale overall held up well for something made eleven years earlier...

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