Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Making its final play for control of the refinery station base, the terrifying Seaweed creature attacks the human workers as The Doctor's sound manipulation technology is activated against it- an impressive and memorable moment from the conclusion to Fury From The Deep, a true monochrome lost classic, whose recent all-too-basic animation re-imagining, despite the best intentions and hard work of a dedicated fan team, sadly failed to do the genuinely scary story the atmospheric and detailed justice it deserved. Perhaps, like The Power of the Daleks, it will someday get a second revised animation effort...

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Trapped within the ethereal domain of the mysterious and enigmatic Toymaker, Steven and Dodo, in their most distinctive and colourful series costumes, having been deliberately cut-off from The Doctor, must bravely and intuitively navigate their way through a series of traps and games set up by a macabre collection of characters, in order to get back to the TARDIS, in the landmark Brian Hayles/ Gerry Davis story that makes the most of the series then companions - The Celestial Toymaker.

was sorry to hear of the recent passing of actress Jackie Lane, who played the sparky Dodo for an all too brief run in the First Doctor's era.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


That's not Colin Baker! That's what the audience surely cried out back in 1987? No, the overwhelming colourful outfit may indeed belong to the sixth incarnation of the Time Lord but that was before that monstrous Rani gave him the ultimate regeneration inducing headache, as Sylvester McCoy has fun clowning around for a special BBC publicity image taken during location filming for the all-important, and ultimately controversial regeneration debut story of his era as the Seventh Doctor: Time and The Rani.

The all-new remastered, features packed beyond words all-new The Collection - Season Twenty-Four, from BBC Studios, showcasing that fresh and bold new look for the series at that time in 1987, is out this month (21/6/2021). Get it whilst you can! 

A couple of press related clippings linked to the new actor's debut, filming in April 1987.

The London Daily News celebrated the start of Season 24 filming in its April 7th, 1987 edition.

Original Bella magazine launch article for the season from 1987.

The Collection: Season 24 Blu-ray release article:

Sunday, June 20, 2021


Deliberately put under a unique transmogrifier crafted by the loathsome Mister Quillam, Peri's conversion to the avian kind is near complete in this great and memorable posed image from Vengeance on Varos.   

Even under all that surely uncomfortable make-up and feathers however, Nicola Bryant remains as absolutely gorgeous as ever!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Inside the immense space vessel belonging to the Urbankan race, which is now heading towards Earth, Nyssa and Adric, having been deliberately separated from The Doctor and Tegan by the scheming alien frog Monarch, continue their explorations.Their discoveries soon include high technology and robotic servants beyond anything they've experienced before, in Four to Doomsday, celebrating its fortieth anniversary of filming in 2021. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021


Field Major Styre's tests on the small group of humanity returned to the abandoned Earth of the far future has just gotten more interesting with the capture arrival of Sarah Jane Smith, the Sontaran warrior not familiar with the female of this particular species and soon intent on finding out more about her, and especially her psychological and physical weaknesses, in this great location filmed image from the excellent two-parter, The Sontaran Experiment

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Art by Lee Binding/Tea-Bag Design.

Captured and held powerless, seemingly at the mercy of the parasitical Axon alien life force- that's the unusual and intriguing scenario/opening sight 1971 viewers had of the Master in this exciting and colourful monster-packed story from fledgling team Bob Baker and Dave Martin in their inventive work for the Pertwee era. Of course, we soon know better about the scenario, and that the Gallifreyan renegade will escape his unique bonds once the alien ship has arrived on Earth.

The Master has some delicious moments in The Claws of Axos: finding himself having to join forces with his enemies at UNIT to stop the spread of the 'vampire from space' and then assisting The Doctor in a final confrontation with the Axons. All done with Roger Delgado's supreme class, plus a bit of mesmerising, jumping onto a truck like a dark side Indiana Jones and wearing the odd disguise thrown into the delightfully devious mix too.

Saturday, June 5, 2021


Certainly a finalist for one of the all-time great iconic Classic Doctor Who series images ever taken, as a terrifying Cyberman bursts out from its long sleep within the tombs of the ancient world of Telos. A superbly atmospheric, specially posed image taken for BBC publicity, presumably taken in colour for potential cover use by the Radio Times (who did indeed promote The Tomb of the Cybermen on their frontage during its original airing, but with B/W composite imagery instead) - it was clear to everyone in front of and behind the camera that this particular serial was going to be a special one during it's ambitious 1967 filming.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Trapped between two antagonistic races - the female Dhravin warriors and the mysterious alien creatures known as the Rill - the First Doctor, Steven and Vicki are running out of time to escape an even worse approaching scenario - the impending supernova destruction of an entire planet, as the enjoyable ingredients of Third Season opener Galaxy Four are successfully art composited in work that originally appeared in the Doctor Who - The Complete History partwork series.

Survived by one recovered episode and a long clip that was prior 'looked after' by one of the series long-term 'superfan's back in 1977, rumours are rife that Galaxy Four looks set to be brought to life in its entirety by animation, surely appearing in time on Blu-ray/DVD for the show's sixtieth anniversary in 2023.

Info here: