Another of the all-time great WHO stills photographs taken on location (Hankley Common, near Elstead in Surrey) during filming of The Silurians on Monday 17th November, 1969, effectively showcasing 'the man of action' Third Doctor amidst the UNIT task force headed by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. This was a key image, from amongst the earliest of specially shot publicity images, used to launch the series in international sales marketing, especially in the early to mid-seventies so as to attract US TV package buying.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Another of the all-time great WHO stills photographs taken on location (Hankley Common, near Elstead in Surrey) during filming of The Silurians on Monday 17th November, 1969, effectively showcasing 'the man of action' Third Doctor amidst the UNIT task force headed by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. This was a key image, from amongst the earliest of specially shot publicity images, used to launch the series in international sales marketing, especially in the early to mid-seventies so as to attract US TV package buying.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Having not originally been impressed with its singular surviving episode when I first saw it back in the late eighties, basically out of story context (and not having read the later novelisation of it, either), my opinion of the penultimate Troughton era tale The Space Pirates has actually improved over the last few years, as I finally made it my mission-statement to listen to the complete story on audio and rewatch episode two once again. It's far too long at six episodes, apparently expanded from four by production necessity back in the day. But like The Krotons before it, many of the classic Robert Holmes storytelling aspects are present, alongside good characterisations.
The story, now in its fiftieth anniversary, was noted for its strong and realist post-2001: A Space Odyssey model work too- some of those space vehicles of which prove well represented in this exciting art for Doctor Who: The Complete History partwork series.
Wendy Padbury talks:
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Having been crash-landed for a long time on a hostile alien world, thinking there'd be little hope of rescue (until the later arrival of The Doctor and his companions), young future girl Vicki ultimately finds out the sad and frightening truth about her mysterious alien benefactor, Koquillion, in this great posed publicity shot for the short but intriguing two-parter, The Rescue.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Doctor's pledge to sort out the goings-on at the Human Terra Alpha colony within a mere singular night take a brief turn for the worst with the news of Ace's capture and partaking in 'The Forum' auditions. Will she die with a smile on her face? Or will that be the fate of her captors?
A great image and moment from the intriguing Seventh Doctor adventure, The Happiness Patrol.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
There's no safe heaven in the TARDIS for the Doctor and Peri when their time vessel is soon overrun by Cybermen present in the modern day London of 1985. A fun cliffhanger kicks-in (alongside a mega scream from threatened-with-death Peri) to the excellent scene-setting, ratings-impressive part one to Attack of the Cybermen, the start of Colin Baker's era proper, featuring a fine performance of exuberance and action from a lead star clearly enthused and loving every minute of playing the Doctor.
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Cliffhanger time! |
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Cutting an imposing, aggressive figure within his scary visaged Vanir armour, the former soldier/mercenary Valgard wanders the Terminus lazar disease treatment station in his pursuit of the Doctor and his companions, during Stephen Gallagher's grim but intriguing hard sci-fi concept story Terminus, whose opening first episode (of four) was one of the best and most atmospheric of the show's Twentieth Anniversary season.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Back in those halcyon days of the seventies when a season of Doctor Who was seemingly guaranteed every year, I was aware of the show's UK popularity as a given right from my earliest memories. However, it was around 1979 when I realized just how popular the show, and current Doctor incumbent Tom Baker, was in the US after seeing this classic cover of a Fantastic Monsters of Filmland magazine on the rack stands of the Forbidden Planet bookstore of London's Denmark Street. A success well deserved, too - pioneered by Tom Baker and producers Philip Hinchliffe and Graham Williams, but 'a special relationship' sometimes proving controversial with Who fans in its birth country for years to come, especially by the show's Twentieth Anniversary...
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
We've explored Patrick Troughton's departure, now we fiftieth anniversary celebrate the 1969 announcement of Jon Pertwee as his successor (prior contracted on 21st May of that year, and then kept secret for the role for a month, so as to coincide with the screening of his successor's final episode), showcased to the UK press that Tuesday, June 17th at the BBC's then Cavendish Place, and with some cuddly publicity help from a Yeti.
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Originally, Pertwee told the press that he would be wearing modern day clothes in his new role, rather than anything Victorian. |
I remember reading (decades ago) of early plans that the new Pertwee era might have started not with the eventual Spearhead from Space but instead likely with a story from Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln, the Yet/Great Intelligence creators of the Troughton era, set in a creepy Scottish Highlands' Laird's castle, of which Frazer Hines' Jamie was to have been present - a pass over story introduction linked to the return of the Yeti, then written out as the character would become the new responsibilities Clan Laird by conclusion. Though the story ultimately didn't happen, I recall due to legal disputes and production team fallouts, it surely explains why a Yeti, then having made two recent popular appearances as public-recognisable monsters, was about for Pertwee's press call at that time, rather than a Cybermen or a then copyright off-limits Dalek.
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